After months of anticipation, the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 was finally released at CCXP 2019. The action-packed teaser featured Gal Gadot's character rocking the golden armor, and also a glimpse of what to expect in the story, with Cheetah seemingly being a friend-turned-enemy character. Fans aren't the only ones hyped up for the film since another female superhero actress is excited to see it as well.
Taking to Twitter, Captain Marvel star Brie Larson expresses her anticipation for the upcoming movie. It seems like she can't wait any longer because the actress joked about looking up how to time travel to already get to the movie's release date.
It's certainly nice to see Larson supporting Gal Gadot's movie, especially since both of their characters are included within different franchises and are often compared to each other. Fans also appreciate the actress' gesture in showing her love for both the movie and the actress.
As for the film itself, there's not much known about the plot but it is evident from the trailer that Wonder Woman will be facing Cheetah, but not before building a relationship with her first. As for Steve Trevor's return, there's no telling how this actually happened, but just like Diana, fans were surprised upon learning that he will appear in the movie somehow.
Are you as excited as Brie Larson to see the upcoming movie? What are you looking forward to the most? Tell us in the comments below!
Wonder Woman 1984 will hit theaters on June 5, 2020
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