Captain Marvel Lead Brie Larson Clarifies Her Comments About ‘More Inclusion’

Captain Marvel might be the next MCU installment but it has been the subject of controversy for some reason. This is because there are a lot of people who are already down on the film, saying that it's politically driven and resulting in it getting review-bombed. Adding to the so-called "controversy" was star Brie Larson's comments on wanting the film to be "more inclusive," which some saw as an attack on white men. For some reason.

In reality, she just wanted critics and journalists of different backgrounds and races to get more opportunities. Larson even had to reiterate her answer to FOX 5 in DC, with the actress saying the following:

"What I'm looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one is getting their chair taken away. There's not less seats at the table, there's just more seats at the table."

Honestly, seeing these so-called "fans" get upset over a movie like this is quite petty. Sure, Larson could have clarified her comments more but she never said that white people should be barred from the film or anything like that. If fans had complaints with the movie, they should at least see it first or, at the very least, point out how the trailers were kind of bland.

Apparently, actual criticism is too much for some.

Captain Marvel comes out on March 8.

Read:Captain Marvel Star Annette Bening Needed Her Kids to Explain the MCU to Her