Captain Marvel Directors Chose To Limit Ronan's Screentime To Avoid Spoiling Major Plot Twist

There is little doubt that Captain Marvel was a great film but it also had its flaws. For instance, the Marvel Cinematic Universe flick only limited Lee Pace's appearance to a few minutes and it wasn't until the third act that Ronan the Accuser actually showed up. However, it looks like that's exactly what the movie's directors needed to do in order to avoid spoiling the film's plot twist.

Captain Marvel directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck revealed the reason for Ronan's brief cameo in the movie's Blu-ray commentary (via CinemaBlend). Boden admitted that they struggled with the idea of introducing the Guardians of the Galaxy villain early on and risk revealing the true baddies in the film.

"Here we have the Accuser ships that are the kind of bomb squad of the Kree. So we've already met Starforce which is like their SEAL Team Six and now we see the bomb squad that's going to be bombing a Skrull stronghold in the South. We played a lot with the question of when we introduce Ronan in this movie. Should we introduce him at the beginning of the film as the head Accuser of these Accuser ships or do we hold onto that reveal until later?" Boden asked.

Fleck agreed with his co-director, stating that they didn't want viewers to catch on to the truth about the Kree.

"Yeah, I think it was more effective to hold on because it was giving it away too soon that the Kree were the bad guys because everyone associates them with Guardians of the Galaxy and it really just gave away too much too soon," he said.

In the end, Ronan ended up showing up for only a few minutes. It's just too bad that Carol Danvers didn't challenge him to a dance-off.

Captain Marvel is now available on HD and Blu-ray.

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