The Spider-Man costume may seem very simple when it comes to film, but it actually has a lot more complicated elements that don't show in the movie. To get that smoother look of Spidey's head with the mask on, the actor has to wear a special helmet underneath. Thanks to Reddit, we have an image of that secret helmet from the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Didn’t know that’s how they do it.
We don't know exactly how they make Tom Holland's Spider-Man suit, but some BTS photos seem to confirm that there's also some kind of helmet underneath to give Spider-Man a smoother look to his head. If anything, the films have gone such a long way when it comes to putting Spider-Man onscreen, that his latest costume may be the most amazing yet.
I'm just crossing my fingers that Sony goes more minimal when it comes to enhancing the final look with CGI. The suit looks amazing with minimal tweaking in the films, but in some shots, you can tell that they replaced Spider-Man fully.
Give the costume department some props, Sony!
For now, fans are waiting for the release of the trailer for Spider-Man: Far from Home, and rumor has it that it will be coming out early this Tuesday. Originally, the trailer was set to release last December, but for some reason, Sony had decided to pull out. Speculation ranges from Sony not wanting to steal attention away from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse to the Avengers: Endgame trailer overshadowing Far from Home's preview.
Catch Spider-Man: Far from Home when it hits theaters July 5.
See Also: Tom Holland Replies to Fans Who Demand Spider-Man: Far from Home Trailer