Breaking Down the First Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer


Thefirst trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home swungonto to the web today (see what we did there?), and with it comes a plethora of classic Spidey villains and a whole new set of woes for Marvel’s resident web-slinger.

If you haven’t seen the new footage yet, check it out and then follow along with us in breaking down the first Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer:

  1. So THAT’S How Aunt May Took the News

    When Spider-Man: Homecoming ended, the cat (err, spider?) was out of the bag for Peter, as Aunt May walked in on him removing his mask in his bedroom. Judging by her “What the f...” exclamation, we assumed she’d be furious with him, but in the trailer, it appears she’s 100 percent Team Spidey. Not only is Peter’s secret safe with her but she even gives him a high-five for good measure.

  2. Is Aunt May Getting Happy With… Happy?

    Speaking of Aunt May, she’s not the only familiar face from Homecoming we see in the opening moments of the trailer. We also see Jon Favreau’s Happy Hogan, who appears to be smitten with Peter’s attractive surrogate mother figure. Could love be in the air, or is it merely a one-way street?

  3. Uncle Ben

    Although he was alluded to in Captain America: Civil War, Uncle Ben hasn’t been mentioned by name in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while his absence certainly helped streamline Spider-Man’s introduction into the MCU, some fans felt cheated by his omission. However, as we see in the trailer, his presence can still be felt, as evidenced by Peter packing a suitcase with the initials “BFP,” indicating that it clearly belonged to his late uncle.

  4. ‘So Nice to Finally Meet You, Spider-Man’

    We’ve known for quite some time that Samuel L. Jackson would reprise his role as Nick Fury in Far From Home. What role he would play in the narrative, however, remained a mystery. When we see him in the trailer, he tranquilizes Ned and, as Peter puts it, hijacks his vacation, presumably to deal with the threats we see later on in the footage.

  5. New Suit – Part One

    The first of two new Spider-Man suits we see in the trailer is one that plays on the wall-crawler’s classic look. However, it uses a much darker shade of blue. How he obtains this new suit remains to be seen, but there’s no denying it’s a good look for the character.

  6. Maria Hill and Sandman?

    The first villain to make his appearance is a massive, rock-like creature that, if we had to guess, is probably Sandman, who previously appeared as one of the many antagonists in Spider-Man 3. Standing opposite him is Nick Fury and a female agent who we can assume is probably Maria Hill, as Cobie Smulders is also slated to reprise her role as Fury’s second-in-command in Far From Home.

  7. Molten Man

    Next up is Molten Man, the supervillain alter ego of Mark Raxton. As his name and his appearance imply, he’s quite literally a molten man.

  8. New Suit – Part Two

    The second new costume revealed in the trailer is a play on Spider-Man’s classic Stealth Suit. In the comics, he created it to defeat the Hobgoblin and his sonic screams, but with that character unlikely to appear in the film, the suit’s inclusion is presumably just a fun Easter egg for comic book fans.

  9. Hydro-Man

    Fans of Spider-Man: The Animated Series will likely remember Morris Bench, aka Hydro-Man. In the trailer, we see him rain down upon London, but is he real, or the machination of someone else?

  10. Enter Mysterio

    The “someone else” we’re referring to, of course, if Jake Gyllenhaal’s Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, who we see for the first time in full costume. Oddly enough, though, he’s battling Hydro-Man, leading us to believe either he’s on Spider-Man’s side, or that he simply wants Spider-Man to think he is.

  11. From Bubble Boy to Bubble Helmet

    Of course, no on-screen version of Mysterio would be complete without the classic domed helmet. And as silly as it is, Gyllenhaal – the actor who starred in the 2001 comedy Bubble Boy – manages to pull off the look.