Brand-New Pokemon Sword and Shield Details Will Be Revealed Next Month

Fans were over the moon when Game Freak and Nintendo finally announced Pokemon Sword and Shield, the latest games in this series and the first official entries coming to the Nintendo Switch. However, ever since the first trailer, not much else has been revealed since with fans recently finding out that customizable trainers would be making a return, which many thought would be obvious.

According to Serebii, CoroCoro Ichiban will be revealing new details for these two games next month. This could also mean that the games might get some E3 love since that is the biggest (or second-biggest) event in gaming. It will be interesting to see if the game does make it to the big event but at least we know new things are coming, which is always good.

Sadly, we don't know how much information will be released next month, but at this point, anything is better than nothing. Literally, the only thing we know about these games are the new starters, all of whom look adorable, and that they are on the Switch. That's literally it so we are gonna take what we can get.

No release date for Pokemon Sword and Shield doesn't have a release date but that could be revealed next month. Both games will be playable on the Nintendo Switch.

Read:Pokemon Sword and Shield Confirms Customisable Trainers in an Unusual Way