The tragic story of Reiji Kurose is getting a live-action adaptation. MBS has announced that the manga Boy's Abyss ("Shonen no Absu") will be made into a series starring Rurouni Kenshin: The Final actor Towa Araki.
The announcement comes from the official MBS Twitter account which shared the first image of Towa Araki as Reiji Kurose. It was also confirmed that Boy's Abyss is set for broadcast on September 1, 2022. No further details have been shared but there is little doubt we'll be learning more about the show in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
Boy's Abyss will be based on the manga by Ryo Minenami. It follows a teenage boy named Reiji Kurose who meets Nagi Aoe, a member of an idol group. The two connect and Nagi tells Reiji about a town where lovers go to commit suicide together. Reiji is convinced that he should take his own life and although he and Nagi try to kill themselves, their attempts fail. Reiji is then rescued by his teacher Yuri Shibasawa who promises to protect him at all costs.
Towa Araki is known for playing supporting roles in shows like Your Time to Kill ("Anata no Ban Desu") where he portrayed a troubled boy who was being hidden in a secret room. He is best known for playing the younger version of antagonist Enishi Yukishiro in Rurouni Kenshin: The Final and Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning. Araki was previously confirmed to play the young Tatsuya Sugimura in the live-action Whisper of the Heart sequel.
The live-action Boy's Abyss series will be directed by Misato Kato with scripts by Kyoko Inukai. The rest of the cast has not yet been revealed. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
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