There have been many Hitori figures released since the anime aired, but this one might be the most awkward-yet-adorable one. Recently, a new Hitori Gotoh palm-sized figure was revealed that’s a must-have for the biggest Bocchi the Rock! fans.
This new figure was revealed by toy manufacturer Premium Bandai, and it features Bocchi with her guitar bag.
While it’s not a poseable figure, it does have a swappable face plate featuring Hitori’s awkward face.
With this new figure, Bocchi fans are going to have even more figures to choose from, especially of the show’s main character.
Hitori Gotoh Continues to Get New Figures and Projects
It has been over half a year now since Bocchi the Rock! aired, and it continues to get new merch and projects – a testament to how popular it still is.
The series was no doubt one of 2022’s biggest breakout hits. And while it has yet to get a second season reveal, the show does continue to get new collectibles.
For instance, there have already been many Bocchi figures revealed, ranging from the adorable Nendoroid Hitori to her funny tsuchinoko form.
Aside from new merch, fans can also look forward to new projects, the most anticipated of which is the Bocchi the Rock! stage play.
While not exactly a musical, the play will feature live Kessoku Band musical performances.
Plus, there will be a special compilation film of the first season which will be released next year in Japan.
This film will get a theatrical run in the country, though there are no plans yet for an international release.
ALSO READ: The Best Band References in Bocchi the Rock!’s Manga and Anime
New Bocchi the Rock! Palm-Sized Hitori Gotoh Figure Is Adorably Awkward
Now, there’s another Bocchi figure that fans can pre-order, and it’s a palm-sized Hitori Gotoh collectible that features her in a squatting position.
This figure comes with a standard faceplate. But most fans will probably opt for the alternate faceplate which features Bocchi’s funny panicking face that made multiple appearances in the anime.
It may be small and not poseable, but it features a lot of detail that should make it a must-buy for the biggest Bocchi the Rock! fans.
Pre-orders for the figure are available now in selected online stores, with the figure having a price tag starting at JPY 6,540 (around USD 46).
Fans in the US can pre-order the figure in selected online stores. Though it’ll take a while to ship as the figure will only be released in January 2024.
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