Bocchi the Rock! finally aired its finale last weekend, and it saw Bocchi going Super Saiyan following the Kessoku Band’s (mostly) successful school festival performance.
Bocchi powering up is another addition to the treasure trove of memes that the show has produced over the season.
Aside from once again trending online, the finale itself drew lots of praise from viewers online.
Bocchi’s Super Saiyan Form
The 12th episode wasn’t the first time that the show featured a Dragon Ball reference. Back in Episode 9, Bocchi was attacked by a flock of birds, resulting in her falling to the ground and doing Yamcha’s signature pose.
Now, Bocchi once again did a Dragon Ball reference, but this time because of a newfound energy to quit her job. This is thanks to her dad giving her lots of money to buy a guitar, with plenty left to spare.
Of course, things don’t go the way she wants as instead of quitting her part-time job at the live house, she gets too intimidated to say anything to the manager, Seika Ijichi.
Though before the Super Saiyan moment, Bocchi the Rock! Episode 12 featured a stirring performance from the band at the school festival.
While the first song went off without a hitch, the second song saw Bocchi running into a guitar problem.
Thanks to quick thinking, Bocchi saves the performance. However, the Kessoku Band wasn't able to perform their third song as Bocchi dove into the crowd in a panic. But this was a school event so no one caught her.
While their performance didn’t end in the best way, Bocchi at least got enough money for a new guitar in the last part of the finale.
READ MORE: Where to Start Reading Bocchi the Rock! After the Anime
Bocchi the Rock! Finale Reactions
Since the show premiered in October, Bocchi the Rock! has been consistently praised by viewers for its funny gags and loveable characters. The finale is no different as it got lots of praise on Twitter and Reddit.
The series might seem like a simple "cute girls doing cute things" (CGDCT) show, but many have noted how its story and characters go above and beyond the genre’s conventions.
Thanks to its success, many fans are now hoping for a second season to be produced.
Given its popularity and the fact that there’s still enough manga source material for a new 12-episode season, it’s likely that we will get one in the future.
Right now though, CloverWorks and Aniplex have yet to reveal any future anime plans for the series.
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READ NEXT: Bocchi the Rock!’s Kessoku Band Releases Full Album After Final Episode