Ever since Boba Fett seemingly met his demise in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, fans have long hoped for the famed bounty hunter to return. When The Mandalorian was initially announced, some people were expecting to see the character show up, and it looks like their wishes will come true in the show's second season!
The Hollywood Reporter confirms that Boba Fett will make an appearance in the second season of Star Wars: The Mandalorian. The bounty hunter was originally played by Jeremy Bulloch in the original trilogy, with actor Temuera Morrison playing the character's father, Jango Fett, in Attack of the Clones. This time, the bounty hunter will be played by Morrison on the show.
The outlet reveals Boba Fett will only play a "small role" season two of The Mandalorian, which suggests that he'd likely appear in one episode. As viewers may already know, a mysterious figure approached Fennec Shand's lifeless body by the end of the episode, "The Gunslinger." The person was speculated to be Boba Fett, with the character's trademark spurs being heard as he walked.
There were no further details revealed about the character's appearance, but seeing the character once again will surely get the fans excited. Based on the scene, either Boba Fett will play a role in reviving Fennec Shand or he could be part of something much bigger, so let the theories roll out!
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 is set to arrive on Disney+ this October.
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