Blade Runner 2099, the live-action TV series set in the futuristic Blade Runner universe, is coming to Amazon Prime Video. The upcoming TV show was officially announced on September 15, 2022, and it will take place 50 years after Denis Villeneuve's 2017 sequel, Blade Runner 2049, with showrunner Silka Luisa (Shining Girls) taking charge.
Ridley Scott, who directed the original 1982 Blade Runner film, is executive producing the show with Blade Runner 2049 writer Michael Green. Tom Spezialy (The Leftovers) is the first to join the live-action TV show's writing team and will also serve as executive producer.
Here's what Amazon Studios head of global television, Vernon Sanders, said in a statement:
“We are honored to be able to present this continuation of the Blade Runner franchise, and are confident that by teaming up with Ridley, Alcon Entertainment, Scott Free Productions, and the remarkably talented Silka Luisa, Blade Runner 2099 will uphold the intellect, themes, and spirit of its film predecessors."
Here's everything you need to know about Blade Runner 2099, including a release date prediction, plot, cast, news, and the latest updates about the upcoming sci-fi series.
Blade Runner 2099 Release Date Prediction
Amazon hasn't provided an official release date for Blade Runner 2099. Since the project was just announced in September 2022, don't expect the series to come out anytime soon. The live-action series will likely take more than a year to fully complete as its post-production stage will likely take a significant amount of time to develop the show's science fiction visual effects.
Epicstream will update you once we get the latest scoop about Blade Runner 2099's release date.
Blade Runner 2099 Plot: What will the sequel TV series be about?
During a November 2021 interview with Today on BBC Radio 4, Ridley Scott confirmed that the pilot for Blade Runner 2099 has been written.
“We have already written the pilot for Blade Runner and the bible,” Scott confirmed. “So, we’re already presenting Blade Runner as a TV show, probably the first 10 hours.”
It's still unclear if any characters from either Blade Runner or Blade Runner 2049 will return.
The 1982 Blade Runner film , which is an adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, is set in a dystopian Los Angeles in 2019, in which synthetic humans known as replicants are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Corporation to work on space colonies. When a fugitive group of advanced replicants escape back to Earth, a cop reluctantly agrees to hunt them down.
The 2017 sequel, which is set in 2049, starred Ryan Gosling as a replicant blade runner, who investigates a secret that threatens to destabilize society.
As the title of Blade Runner 2099 suggests, the upcoming series of the neo-noir cyberpunk franchise will be set 50 years after the movie sequel.
Blade Runner 2099 Cast: Who will star in the upcoming sci-fi TV series?
Prime Video and the team behind Blade Runner 2099 haven't provided any casting updates for the upcoming sci-fi TV series, and it's still unknown if any of the actors from the original Blade Runner film and the 2017 sequel will return.
If any of the characters from the two movies would return, expect them to be older in the TV sequel series since it's set 50 years after the Blade Runner 2049.
Is there already a trailer for Blade Runner 2099?
Since production hasn't started for Blade Runner 2099 yet, don't expect a trailer to come out anytime soon, so for now, you can re-watch the trailer for Blade Runner 2049 to remind us of the dystopian world of the Blade Runner universe.
How many episodes will Blade Runner 2099 have?
Since Blade Runner 2099 is considered a "limited series", the show will likely have around 6 to 10 episodes, and it'll likely only have one season, but at the time of this writing, Amazon Studios hasn't officially confirmed the episode count for the upcoming series.