Black Widow Synopsis Reveals When Scarlett Johansson Film Will Take Place

It looks like Marvel Studios is intent on moving forward with the highly anticipated Black Widow film. The synopsis for the Scarlett Johansson movie has been released and it hints at when the Marvel Cinematic Universe flick will take place.

The film description was reported by That Hashtag Show, who also confirmed that Black Widow will be released in 2020. The synopsis reads as follows:

"At birth, the Black Widow (aka Natasha Romanova) is given to the KGB, which grooms her to become its ultimate operative. When the U.S.S.R. breaks up, the government tries to kill her as the action movies to present-day New York, where she is a freelance operative. The standalone film will find Romanoff living in the United States 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union."

That certainly seems very specific. The dissolution of the Soviet Union happened in 1991, which means that the Black Widow movie will take place in 2006. Although we're unsure exactly when Natasha began working with Nick Fury, there's a possibility that the film will show how she met Clint Barton.

Fury and Hawkeye aren't the only established MCU characters who might appear in the Black Widow flick. Some fans believe that the movie will show Natasha's first encounter with the Winter Soldier, which she had previously teased about in the second Captain America film.

Johansson's standalone movie will be directed by Cate Shortland. The film is scheduled for release on May 1, 2020.

Related: Black Widow: Scarlett Johansson Reportedly Getting $15 Million For Natasha Romanoff Film