Black Widow: Set Video has Natasha in a Motorcycle Chase in Budapest

Black Widow may have died in Avengers: Endgame, but she's set to get her own solo movie next year. Black Widow has actually started shooting in Budapest, and we have a set photo of Natasha in a motorcycle chase with a blonde passenger.

Check it out:

While we don't have any official confirmation, some think that the blonde behind Widow is Florence Pugh's character who is said to be Yelena Belova. In the comics, Belova took up the mantle of Black Widow, and some speculate that this movie will have her taking up the mantle since Widow was killed in action.

Though I kind of hoped for something else, it looks like this movie is going to be a prequel, and it could explore Widow's journey as an assassin before she decided to work for SHIELD. My guess is that Hawkeye will also play an important part in the film, but I'm also hoping that we get some kind of significant plot push when it comes to the present day. What will the Avengers do now that Widow is gone? She was so integral in running the Avengers after the snap that she's certainly left some hole that has to be filled.

We don't know when we're going to get our official look at the film, but a lot are guessing it could come at SDCC 2019 this July. While I'm not expecting a trailer, I'm sure fans would be pleased with a release date.

Black Widow is likely to come out sometime next year.

See Also: Black Widow Official Logo Possibly Leaked