Black Widow Set Photos Might Have Revealed Natasha’s Successor In The MCU

Early this year, word came out that Lady MacBeth star Florence Pugh had been cast in Marvel's upcoming Black Widow prequel movie. Though there hasn't been that much revealed about the film, word on the street says that the actress is to play a significant role in Scarlett Johansson's first Marvel standalone movie.

Now, as the actress remains tight-lipped about the character she's set to portray, photos taken from the set of Black Window seem to indicate that Pugh might actually be playing Yelena Belova, the next Black Widow.

Best of Widows just recently shared a bunch of new set photos taken from Black Widow. Showing stunt dummies presumably for Pugh and Johansson, fans get to see one of the crates being named for a women named "Yelena."

Though this isn't a direct confirmation that Pugh is playing Yelena Belova, it's a pretty good sign that she might actually be playing the character in the Black Widow standalone movie.

For those who aren't familiar with the character, Yelena and Natasha first start out as enemies in the comics, only to become allies as time courses along. When Natasha resigns from the role as Black Widow, Yelena then takes up the name.

Seeing how Natasha sacrificed herself to obtain the Soul Stone in Voromir in the middle of Avengers: Endgame, fans can only wonder whether Yelena's appearance in Black Widow suggests that the character will take on Natasha's mantle in the MCU.

Let's wait and see.

Avengers: Endgame is currently screening in cinemas.

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