Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the upcoming sequel to 2016's Doctor Strange, is easily one of the most-anticipated MCU films, especially with the multiverse aspect that keeps the fans speculate on who might show up in the film. In addition, Sam Raimi, who directed the Tobey Maguire-starred Spider-Man trilogy, is helming the sequel and fans are looking forward to seeing what he will bring to this upcoming adventure with the Sorcerer Supreme.
In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, while he didn't reveal any plot details regarding the film, Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch however shared his experience working on the sequel in which he revealed that Raimi gave him more freedom to improvise.
"With the first film, you're always locked into a script, because it's the origin story, but there was a lot more freedom this time around. I guess, because we were… not literally making it up as we go along, but sometimes it feels like that," Cumberbatch said. "Marvel has this amazing ability to come into production: ‘We really just have to start shooting now. It doesn't matter that the third act is not quite where you want it to be.' You really do things on a wing and a prayer sometimes."
He also noted in the interview that Raimi's style will certainly be present in the film, "He was an assured pair of hands, who knew that world. He's got certain Raimi traits. The smashed-zoom close-up. The mixture of just on the level of horror and just on the level of camp. There's fun in there, but there should be some real thrills as well."
It is not a surprise that Cumberbatch was given more freedom to improvise during the making of the film. After all, it won't be his first time to adlib a line in an MCU film. As the interview article pointed out, during a scene in Avengers: Infinity War, Cumberbatch ended up adlibbing a memorable line in the film. It was in the moment when Iron Man asked, "What exactly is your job, besides making balloon animals?" Doctor Strange savagely replied, "It's protecting your reality, douchebag."
Also Read:Benedict Cumberbatch Speaks Out on Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow Lawsuit
There are not many details regarding the plot of the film yet. Besides Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, and Chiwetel Ejiofor are also expected to return, reprising their roles in the MCU. They are joined by newcomer Xochitl Gomez, who is set to play America Chavez.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be released in cinemas on March 25, 2022.