Batwoman Season 2 Plot Details Allegedly Reveal How Kate Kane Makes Her Exit

Credit: The CW Network

Credit: The CW Network

Last month, Batwoman star Ruby Rose has exited the Arrowverse show ahead of its second season. Reports that followed revealed that Rose's Kate Kane would not be replaced, rather a whole new character will be the center of the show. Now, plot details for Season 2 allegedly show how Kate would be written off the show.

According to The Direct, Rose's Kate Kane will be killed off in the sophomore season. This paves the way for the new character, Ryan Wilder, who was rumored to take up Batwoman's mantle.

Not only that, apparently, there are also plans to introduce Jonathan Crane a.k.a. Scarecrow. The villain will be responsible for killing Ryan Wilder's mother, which will motivate the character to get revenge and want to become Batwoman.

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Credit: The CW

Should they actually kill off Batwoman, the wake of her death will make the mantle, basically, available, which explains the plans to put a new character on the show. However, how Batwoman's death comes about in the second season is the big question. Whether they decide to show it or explain what has happened through another character, the next actor to take on the mantle, as well as their plans to make this change in character work, is definitely intriguing.

Batwoman Season 2 is expected to arrive on The CW sometime next year.

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