Kevin Conroy, the beloved voice actor behind Batman in various animated shows, animated films, and video games starting with Batman: The Animated Series, passed away at the age of 66 on Thursday due to a short battle with cancer. The Hollywood Reporter confirmed his death through a statement from Warner Bros.
"Kevin was far more than an actor whom I had the pleasure of casting and directing – he was a dear friend for 30+ years whose kindness and generous spirit knew no boundaries," casting and dialogue director Andrea Romano said in the statement. "Kevin’s warm heart, delightfully deep laugh and pure love of life will be with me forever."
Mark Hamill, who voiced The Joker against Conroy's Batman, also mourned the passing of his late colleague. "Kevin was perfection," he recalled. "He was one of my favorite people on the planet, and I loved him like a brother. He truly cared for the people around him – his decency shone through everything he did. Every time I saw him or spoke with him, my spirits were elevated."
Conroy became well-known as the voice of Batman starting with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992 and it led him to become the quintessential voice actor of the iconic DC hero in subsequent animated projects and video games such as Batman Beyond, Justice League, Injustice, and many more.
He also eventually played the role of Bruce Wayne in live-action during the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event back in 2019. He appeared as the Earth-99 version of the character and shared scenes with Melissa Benoist's Kara Danvers and Ruby Rose's Kate Kane.
Besides his voice performances as Batman, he also worked in TV shows in other roles such as Ben 10: Alien Force, The Venture Bros., Turbo Fast, Masters of the Universe: Revelations, and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Prior to his work as Batman, he also guest-starred in shows such as Cheers and Dynasty.
The actor is survived by his husband Vaughn C. Williams, sister Trisha Conroy, and brother Tom Conroy. Details regarding the memorial services are currently pending.
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