The latest animated iteration of the Dark Knight, Batman: Caped Crusader, promises to feature a weirder version of our favorite bat vigilante, something that executive producer Bruce Timm recently revealed.
The Caped Crusader is A 'Darker Knight' in New Prime Series
The animation series on Prime is sculpting a new Caped Crusader for DC diehards to witness. In this case, the upcoming August release basically paints Batman as "an urban myth", as the exec producer shared.
"Batman is so early in his career that in the first episode, he's still an urban myth," he recently shared on Empire, "It's not 'Year One', it's more like 'Week Two'." In reference to the Batman origin comic by Frank Miller and David Mazzuccheli.
Timm wanted a different take on Batman, as opposed to how the Bruce Wayne we know has already been depicted in the past.
This time, Caped Crusader highlights a never-before-seen quality of the hero kickstarting his career.
"I wanted to make him kind of weird and spooky," Timm added, "If you're stuck in a room with Batman, whether you're Commissioner Gordon or Barbara Gordon or Renee Montoya, you don't feel comfortable."
Timm went on to highlight that one of the biggest indicators that the Dark Knight is gradually honing his alter-ego is in this one particularly crucial scene of an eight-year-old Bruce Wayne:
"When he's lying in bed reliving the murders of his parents again and again in his head, it's so upsetting and so horrifying that the way he copes with it is he decides, right then and there, 'I'm going to declare war on crime.'"
It would be interesting to see a deeper brooding Batman in the soon-debuting Caped Crusader series, considering that the weight of witnessing his own parents murdered at such a young age would push him to make a life-altering decision that changes his life forever.
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The 10-episode Batman: Caped Crusader will welcome fans into Gotham City on August 1 on Prime.
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