After nearly two decades since the original show aired, a new Bartender anime has been announced. This new anime won’t air anytime soon, though its reveal excited many fans of the original.
The new Bartender anime will premiere in 2024, so fans will have to wait a while. But even if it’s a year away, details about it have already been revealed.
While it may not be a well-known series for younger anime fans, it’s shaping up to be a must-see for those who want something markedly different from the typical shonen or isekai series.
Bartender Manga and the First Anime Adaptations
The original Bartender is a slice-of-life anime that aired in 2006 and consisted of 11 episodes. It was animated by the now-defunct Palm Studio.
As its title implies, the story follows a bartender named Ryu Sasakura who works in a bar in Tokyo’s Ginza district.
Ryu is a bartending prodigy as he is known to be a bartender that can serve exactly what a customer wants.
Aside from Ryu, the show does not feature many recurring characters.
Instead, it’s more of an episodic show where Ryu serves drinks to various customers, all while sharing advice regarding their problems.
This show is based on the seinen manga of the same name that was serialized in Super Jump from 2004 to 2011.
While the first manga ended in 2011, several spinoffs were made over the past years which featured different bartenders and new main characters.
Despite getting three spinoffs, it was only now that a new Bartender anime has been announced.
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New Bartender Anime: Is it a Sequel or a Remake?
The new Bartender anime was announced via the show’s newly launched official website and Twitter account. There, a teaser visual and character concept art were shared.
Though the series was revealed, it’s not clear if this is a sequel to the original or if it’s a remake.
From the looks of it though, it’s likely going to be a reboot or a new adaptation of the manga.
What we do know are the show’s staff members and the studio. Serving as the director is Ryoichi Kuraya (Farming in Another World), and he is joined by scriptwriter Mariko Kunisawa (Ascendance of a Bookworm).
Meanwhile, the show will be animated by Liber, one of the studios that worked on last season’s The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague.
The new Bartender anime will premiere in April 2024.
It is confirmed to release on Crunchyroll in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS.
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