The Bad Batch Season 3 Will Hopefully Reveal More about These 7 Mysterious Characters

Bad batch season 3 characters
Credit: Disney / Lucasfilm

Bad batch season 3 characters
Credit: Disney / Lucasfilm

The Bad Batch's newest season 3 will hopefully shed light on a few mysterious characters we would like to see more. The Bad Batch season 3's characters list isn't known, but here are a few we'd love to see.

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  1. Asajj Ventress

    Already, The Bad Batch season 3 trailers have hinted that Asajj Ventress could return.

    Star Wars fans are happy to see her again, as she's a fan favorite. That being said, her return raises questions due to her supposed death in the Dark Disciple novel.

    What has Asajj been doing since the Empire took over, then? How did she survive, and will her death be retconned? These are all questions we hope The Bad Batch season 3 might answer.

  2. Commander Cody

    For a long time, Star Wars fans have hoped for the return of major clone characters such as Commander Cody, Obi-Wan's second-in-command.

    While Cody thankfully failed to kill Obi-Wan during Order 66, he wasn't one of the clones who got their chip removed, and his whereabouts after the Empire took over are mysterious.

    Fans are hoping that Cody could get a Bad Batch season 3 appearance, especially if the theorized larger-scale clone rebellion takes place.

  3. Commander Bly

    One aspect of the clones that fans want to see more of includes the question of how clones lived with the guilt of turning against their former allies against their will.

    For instance, Commander Bly killed Jedi Knight Aayla Secura.

    Although technically, the clones only killed the Jedi due to their brainwashing chips, some fans are theorizing about their possible participation in a clone rebellion as a form of redemption.

  4. Nala Se

    While Nala Se was a major Clone Wars antagonist who hid the truth about the clones' inhibitor chips, she proved unexpectedly compelling in The Bad Batch.

    In The Bad Batch, Nala Se goes as far as to defy the Empire to protect Omega. This led fans to hope that they might learn more about the character and her motivations in season 3.

  5. Crosshair

    Crosshair isn't exactly an obscure character in The Bad Batch but how his arc will end is a real mystery that has sparked many theories.

    Fans became interested in Crosshair due to his ambiguous relationship with the Bad Batch up until his ultimate betrayal of them.

    Now, Crosshair is one of The Bad Batch season 3 characters viewers can't wait to see if and how he will get redeemed and reconciled with the other clones.

  6. Ahsoka Tano

    Once again, Ahsoka Tano is not exactly an obscure character. However, her whereabouts are shrouded in mystery during several periods in the Star Wars timeline.

    Moreover, Ahsoka is well-known for her close relationship with some of the clones while training as a Jedi, and we also know that the rebellion recruited her at some point after the Empire took over.

    Ahsoka reappears as a rebel in the Rebels TV series, but if a clone rebellion were to unfold, we could see her cooperating with them in season 3.

  7. Rex

    Rex is one of the main characters in Clone Wars and has also been in and out of The Bad Batch.

    For a while now, fans have hoped that he may have a more central role in The Bad Batch season 3.

    With the series now being very close to its return, we'll finally find out if Rex will appear more for the third season.

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