Anyone who has ever had to deal with a card collection knows how quickly it could grow. Luckily, one awesome robot will make things much easier for you. It can actually sort up to 1,000 of your Magic: The Gathering cards by set or resale value.
Sorting Robotics is a company in Y Combinator's Winter 2019 class that has created the Roca Sorter. It was founded by Nohtal Partansky and Sean Lawlor, who were once systems engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, along with Cassio Elias dos Santos Jr., the man behind an MTG scanning app for Android. Needless to say, these founders have considered all of the problems that might hound any card collector and made sure the robot could deal with it efficiently.
(Robotic Sorting Solutions)
The system is able to sort MTG cards alphabetically, by set, or even by resale value. To achieve the latter, it pulls data from TCGPlayer.
Worried about the robot possibly damaging your precious cards? Roca Sorter reduces contact with the help of cameras, computer vision, polished surfaces, and silicone suction cups. In case that the robot actually damages a card, the company assures collectors that they will be reimbursed.
(Robotic Sorting Solutions)
The robot is currently being updated to deal with dust build up. In addition to that, the company is focused on building the robots for online resellers and card shops. However, you can still contact them directly if your collection is truly extensive.
For now, Roca Sorter is programmed to sort and price Magic: The Gathering cards. However, the company is also aiming to support Pokémon cards in the near future.
Related: New Magic: The Gathering Product Modern Horizons & 2 New Cards Revealed