Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo aren't just big Marvel fans, they're also in love with Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away.
Promoting the home release of the massively successful Endgame, the Russos have decided to head on to The Star Wars Showto tell the world that they love Star Wars 3,000. Speaking in an interview with The Star Wars Show's hosts, Joe and Anthony reveal which Star Wars characters they looked up to the most while growing up.
"Han Solo was the biggest influence on me as far as a role model," Anthony said.
"Mine was Boba Fett, so there was no competition there," Joe replied.
This doesn't come as a surprise. Han Solo and Boba Fett are fan-favorite characters. The first one a smuggler, the second a bounty hunter, it seems like the Russos have a preference for scoundrels in Star Wars' galaxy far, far away.
Of course, the Russos also like a lot of other Star Wars characters.
"I think Luke Skywalker is the most quintessential hero and the most identifiable hero," Joe went on during the interview.
His brother Anthony, chipped in,"And certainly Darth Vader. We love complicated villains and complicated relationships between protagonists and antagonists. And it's as good as it gets with Darth Vader."
The relationship between Vader and Luke is something that the Russos try to link to with Captain America (Chris Evans) and Bucky (Sebastian Stan) in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. According to the directors, the two pairs are kind of alike because fans can see a villain related to the hero of the movie.
"Although they're not actual relations, they grew up together. They're like brothers. That creates the richest, most profound kind of storytelling when you have that close of a relationship between your hero and villain," Joe explained.
It seems like the Russo Brothers really have a profound love for the Star Wars franchise. It wouldn't come as a surprise to see the Russos joining the Star Wars franchise someday – especially with rumors running up and down the mill saying the filmmakers are planning on joining another major franchise outside the MCU.
Avengers: Endgame is currently available on Digital HD, Blu-Ray, and DVD.
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