Avengers: Endgame Writers Reveal Why Thor and Hawkeye Were Chosen to Survive

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, unfortunately, not every single one of our heroes survived. Iron Man and Black Widow were the ones who met their tragic fate in the film, but there's still a lot of questions that remain. Including how exactly the story came to be, and why Hawkeye and Thor were chosen to survive in the story.

Aside from the two characters' death, most of the Avengers have reached a resolution in the movie, including Captain America and Hulk. When asked how this was decided, Endgame writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus gives us an explanation.

Speaking with Vanity Fair, McFeely claimed that they could have had a "bloodbath" where all six of them would have "gone down swinging." However, he thinks that would seem "even more depressing."

The interviewer was particularly curious why the two characters were chosen, and Markus said they didn't necessarily know right ahead that Thor and Hawkeye would get more stories. He claims Thor already has sacrificed and lost a lot, and it wouldn't be a good ending to kill him. The writer thinks having Thor finally be "content" with himself and his current weight is a good resolution for the character. "There's a joy in letting him go off aimlessly into the ends of the universe," Markus added.

As for Clint Barton, Markus had a simple explanation for his character's fate. Hawkeye got his family back when the snap was reversed. "And that's something. That's the whole reason he was doing it," Markus explained.

Hawkeye is scheduled for a Spring 2021 release. Thor: Love and Thunder premieres on November 5, 2021.

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