Avengers: Endgame Reshoots Spoils Another Character's Return [Possible Spoilers]

Thanks to reports and several announcements, we know that several characters that were killed in Avengers: Infinity War are going to be brought back by the end of Avengers: Endgame. The most obvious one was Spider-Man since the Homecoming sequel, Far From Home, was announced a few months after Infinity War. Well, thanks to some BTS videos we now know one more character who might be coming back.


Zoe Saldana confirmed on Instagram that she would be taking part in reshoots for Endgame, which means that Gamora might be brought back from the dead. Granted, she could also just partake in flashback sequences or illusions that Thanos sees but we will be seeing Gamora in Avengers: Endgame in some capacity.


While many fans knew that characters like Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Doctor Strange would be coming back, most of us pegged Gamora as someone who would be kept dead. After all, she wasn't killed by the Infinity Stones like everyone else but was slain by her father Thanos, who sacrificed her life to get the Soul Stone. Most of us also assumed that Loki would stay dead but the God of Mischief is somehow getting a Disney+ series.

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Hair up! What goes on, must come off! Adios Gamora… for now at least! Ha @makeupbyvera7 @fxrtst @avengers @trolls
A post shared by Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) on Jan 15, 2019 at 6:38pm PST

Since there is a third James Gunn-less Guardians of the Galaxy coming out in the far future, it might not be too surprising to see Gamora back. Still, we all thought that her revival would be in their movie rather than Endgame. Then again, anything is possible in the MCU.

Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.

Read:Check Out the First Official Still From Spider-Man: Far From Home