There is little doubt that Avengers: Endgame tried to make sure that each hero got enough screentime. However, one character's epic scene had to be added at the last minute. Interestingly, Captain Marvel was one of the reasons why the Marvel Cinematic Universe film required some reshoots.
The new details about Endgame's reshoots were revealed by the film's editor Jeff Ford. Ford admitted to Slashfilm that the key scene where Brie Larson's Carol Danvers takes on Thanos had to be filmed again.
"When Captain Marvel arrives, that was in the script from day one, the way she comes through the ship. We knew she was going to do that, but what we did alter and add and expand later, mostly because of how much we loved what Brie was doing with the character, was her fight with Thanos before he power punches her back," Ford shared.
So what was it that needed to be changed? According to Ford, Endgame co-director Anthony Russo came up with the idea in an effort to take Carol down just a notch.
"Anthony came up with the great idea – this was a reshoot, by the way, at the last minute – he had the great idea that Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the gauntlet, and then he punches her with the raw Power Stone," he said. "That is a fantastic use of that prop and that story point because that's what you want. And we had to find a way that he could sideline Captain Marvel for a minute because she's so powerful, there's no way to do it."
It truly was an awesome Endgame scene that showed off Carol's power as well as that of the Mad Titans. We're glad that the Russo brothers decided to reshoot the moment just to prove that it takes an entire Infinity Stone to incapacitate Captain Marvel.
But will Captain Marvel return in a new movie soon? For now, Captain Marvel 2 has not yet been announced. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
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