Avengers: Endgame Reportedly Featuring Intermission Because Of Its Runtime

Yesterday, Joe and Anthony Russo seemingly confirmed the runtime for Avengers: Endgame, noting that fans would have to sit down for three hours in cinemas to see the film that serves as the culmination of the past ten years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, with the titanic-sized runtime confirmed, fans are in for another surprise.

A new rumor has made its way up the mill. According to report by Coming Soon writer Alan Cerny, word now has it that Marvel is thinking about preparing an intermission for Endgame to help fans get through the three-hour long movie. It's pretty old school, but the break would probably come as a relief for many.

"Rumor has it Marvel is considering an intermission for AVENGERS: ENDGAME as it is currently clocking at three hours," Cerny wrote on his tweet. "Bring it on. I love intermissions. Makes the movies that have them feel very epic. Besides, a pee break would be nice."

In the early years of film, intermissions were created for very practical purposes. Film houses would often need to change reels, and movies like The Loves of Queen Elizabeth from 1912 had four different reels. Not only that, but intermissions gave audiences breathers and allowed theater management to make a profit after enticing patrons to check out their concession stand.

Now, it looks like Marvel is going to bring the intermission back for one good reason. Endgame is going to be overwhelmingly long, and fans are definitely going to need a pee break.

We can only wonder what kind of material Joe and Anthony Russo will be preparing for this so-called intermission – if the report is true of course.

Avengers: Endgame premieres April 26, 2019.

Read: Avengers: Endgame Directors Joe And Anthony Russo Confirm Three-Hour Runtime