Following the conclusion of the Infinity Saga with the Avengers: Endgame release, a handful of shows will be in the works for some of the characters to be released on the new streaming platform Disney+. One of the series to be produced is Hawkeye, which stars Jeremy Renner. And now, Avengers: Endgame producer Trinh Tran offers us new details about the upcoming series.
In a recent interview with Comic Book, Trinh Tran revealed that Endgame's storyline will affect what happens in some of the upcoming series. She says that the blockbuster film will have an "impact" on the characters to be introduced, as well as the future of the existing ones.
Tran admits that she can't say much about the series, most probably to avoid spoilers. But she might have teased that the series will be focused on Clint Barton and Kate Bishop's characters. "Well, they're both Hawkeyes in a way, right?" she exclaims. She adds that she's always interested to introduce new characters, and there's already a "fascinating young female" interested in the role.
She went on to say the quality of the TV shows won't be different compared to the films. Tran pointed out that this has always been Kevin Feige's mindset. This is to make sure that the audience will stick around longer. Compared to a movie, this is going to be much longer because of multiple episodes and the studio will be able to have a lot more time to develop their characters and storylines.
As for the rumors that say Hailee Steinfeld will be playing the Kate Bishop role, Tran wasn't ready to confirm the news yet. And it even seems like Steinfeld didn't know about the series at all. For now, most of the details are kept under wraps.
Hawkeye is set to be released on Disney+ in Fall 2021.
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