The first trailer for Avengers: Endgame certainly opens on a depressing note as Tony Stark records a message for Pepper Potts on his Iron Man helmet. Nevertheless, fans are hopeful that Tony will be saved and brought back to Earth soon enough. But is it possible that the teaser actually revealed how that would happen?
A new fan theory was posted on Reddit suggesting that the trailer showed the first 30 minutes of the movie. This means Tony will be the part of the opening sequence before the title card is revealed. However, it is also purported that Tony will not appear again until he unexpectedly shows up on Earth.
It's an interesting theory will a valid reason as to why Tony's rescue will happen off-screen.
"Stark was left stranded on Titan. In the trailer, we see him stranded on the Benatar. For all of this to have the desired impact on the viewer, they need to make him stay there for as long as possible, maybe even hint at him dying there. That way, it means something. Having him being rescued right at the start of the movie will remove all the emotional impact of the scene.
We should see his return to Earth (with help from Captain Marvel, Valkyrie, whoever) from the remaining Avengers' perspective. We shouldn't know he got rescued before they do because that would take away from their emotional reaction."
We certainly don't want to imagine Tony having to stay out in space for too long but it would make sense to bring him back just when everyone has given up on his return. The scene could even be the most emotional moment in Endgame next year. Nevertheless, this is based on speculations so it's best to take it with a grain of salt.
Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26, 2019.
Related: Robert Downey Jr. Possibly Confirms Tony Stark Will Return To Earth In Avengers: Endgame