Avengers: Endgame Directors On Whether They Have One More Captain America Story

Avengers: Endgame might have closed Steve Roger's story as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Captain America, but it looks like directors Joe and Anthony Russo still have one more story for the First Avenger.

The Russo Brothers just recently received the award for Best Movie at the MTV Movie and TV Awards today, and after taking o the stage, the filmmakers were asked whether they were done with the MCU. The directorial duo was pretty coy during the interview, especially when it came to the question about whether they had one more Captain America story to tell.

Speaking with MTV News in a post-ceremony interview, Anthony Russo revealed that he and his brother were only focused on creating a film that would culminate the MCU when they were working on Endgame. There was very little room to think about anything else.

"One of the great things about this particular movie of the four movies we made for Marvel was, with Endgame, we were never thinking about the future," the Russo brother explained. "Our job in the movie was to just bring the story, this 11-year journey, to the most satisfying climax and conclusion that we possibly could."

When asked whether or not there was another Captain America story on the way, the director decided to remain coy, refusing to answer the question. Could the Russos have another Marvel movie in mind? Right now we're certain that the two are going to take a short break from the MCU, but we're also fairly certain that the Russos are going to come back to work on another project for Marvel Studios.

The only question is what that project might actually be.

Avengers: Endgame is currently screening in cinemas.

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