Avengers: Endgame Director Shares Hilarious Infinity War-Themed Birthday Cake

It was only 30 seconds but Marvel, once again, has the geeky world in the palm of their hands. Yeah, the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl ad was really good and it has everyone's attention and we all can't wait for the next trailer, or if we're being honest the actual movie. The trailer wasn't the only special occasion that happened yesterday, as Endgame co-director Anthony Russo also revealed that it was his birthday.

And he got a hilarious cake for the occasion.

The other half of the Russo Brothers revealed that the Super Bowl coincided with his birthday and he got a hilarious Infinity War-themed cake. As fans can see, the cake has one of the best Infinity War posters on it but with all the faces replaced with Anthony Russo's. It's weird but is also awesomely hilarious.

Considering the number of quality MCU films the duo have worked on, seeing them celebrate with a ridiculous birthday cake is nice. One can only imagine the amount of pressure the two are on, so it's nice to know that they can celebrate a birthday while also making light of their work. It also doesn't spoil anything from the movie, which is always a plus.

Seriously, it's an Infinity War poster, don't make a fan theory over it.

Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.

Read:Could Marvel Have Edited A Hero Out Of Avengers: Endgame's Super Bowl Trailer?