Attack on Titan’s Final Part Officially NOT the Final Part

Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 3 Eren

Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 3 Eren

It seems that the series just refuses to end as it was announced that Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 will be split into even more parts. This means the third and final part of the Final Season will have an unusual release schedule.

At this point, it’s weird to call it “The Final Season” given how it’s been two years now since it premiered.

It might be more accurate to simply call it Seasons 4, 5, and so on.

Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 Release Announcement

attack on titan eren yeager
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Splitting seasons into multiple parts isn’t anything new for the series. Attack on Titan began this trend with its third season which was split into two parts.

The first half was released in Summer 2018 while the second aired in Spring 2019. The Final Season was also split similarly, but into three parts instead of two.

Now though, NHK and the show’s official social media pages announced that Part 3 is going to be further split into two halves.

Given how confusing the show’s title and release have been getting, fans have begun making fun of the show’s new schedule.

On Reddit for instance, many fans are saying how ridiculous it is that Part 3 is being split even further.

Fans have also found it funny that memes about Attack on Titan refusing to end have become real.

Over the past years, memes about The Final Season being a never-ending show seemed to have come true.

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Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 Schedule, Episode Count

attack on titan eren
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The first two parts of The Final Season had 16 and 12 episodes, respectively.

While we now know that Part 3 is split into two halves, we have no info yet on how many episodes there will be.

Based on the remaining chapters, it won’t take that many episodes before the anime ends, so it’s unexpected to see it get split again.

Though based on the NHK announcement of the first half’s release, there’s a theory that instead of being typical anime episodes, the Part 3 halves will be more movie-like in terms of length.

Whatever the case may be, fans can expect to watch Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 when it airs its first half on March 3, 2023, at 24:25 JST (essentially March 4, 2023, at 00:25 JST).

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Source: Attack on Titan website