Artgerm Spoils Death Metal, DC's Dark Knights: Metal Sequel

We've all been eagerly waiting for DC's Dark Knights: Metal follow-up since the original was one of the wildest comics the company has ever put out, with some killer art from Greg Capullo. It wasn't the best writing work from Scott Snyder but there was too much to not enjoy. Variant cover artist extraordinaire Artgerm has accidentally spoiled the sequel, calling it Death Metal, which is a pretty rad title if we're being honest.

Artgerm showcased his variant cover for DC's Death Metal, though he did it a day earlier than he should have. DC is set to announce the sequel soon but the artist jumped the gun a bit. Still, there's no denying how beautiful the cover is, especially since the cover also has the awesome chainsaw-sword that we previously saw in a teaser.

Hopefully, this is a bit easier to follow when compared to Dark Knights: Metal. Knowing Scott Snyder, that won't be the case but this could still be a fun ride that everyone can enjoy. We're sure that the comic will have a ton of iconic imagery and awesome fight scenes, though it will hopefully have more to the narrative than darkness and light.

Expect a major announcement and breakdown about DC's Death Metal fairly soon. We'll cover that too, no worries.

Read:Check Out Superman's New Look for DC's Dark Knights: Metal Sequel