Spider-Man: Far From Home is literally one day away (or a few hours away depending on where you are) and fans are beyond hyped to check out the end of the Infinity Saga. There's no need for any last-minute trailers since fans will be able to check out the film real soon and judge it for themselves (and if it's better than Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse).
Well, BossLogic decided to show off an incredible poster he made for the movie and it's one of the best things coming from that film. While the new outfits have been revealed in the trailer, seeing them displayed like this shows that the outfit doesn't matter; Spider-Man is still the same hero who will save anyone in need.
Both costumes are great in their own right, with the upgraded Stark outfit looking like a slightly more mature version of the Civil War/Homecoming suit, though that might just be the black replacing the blue. The there's the stealth suit, which is clearly an homage to Spider-Man Noir and should be a fun addition to MCU Peter's ever-growing closet of costumes.
I wonder how many costumes will be introduced in the next Spider-Man movie.
Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out later today. Anyone else hyped for the long-awaited epilogue to Avengers: Endgame?
Read:Spider-Man: Far From Home Suits are Coming to Spider-Man PS4 as Free DLC