All 2020 Magic: The Gathering In-Person High-Level Events Cancelled

Today, WIzards of the Coast has announced that all outstanding 2020 in-person high-level Magic: The Gathering events including MagicFests are cancelled for the safety of the MTG community during the pandemic. Those who ordered the MagicFest Golden Ticket from CFB Events may get a full refund, get store credit for, or reddem for a MagicFest in a box up to $90.

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Credit: Wizards of the Coast

2020's remining Players Tour, Players Tour Final, and Mythic Invitational events are shifting to run online with remote play. WotC went on to say that they will continue to launch new virtual competitive events such as the Arena Open happening this weekend, with players who make Day 2 able to win up to $2,000 based on their win record. MagicFest Online and online Friday Night Magic events will continue to get support from WotC.

"Without any doubt, our top priority is the health and safety of players, casters, artists, event staff, and everyone else who makes Magic competitive play both possible and wonderful," Elaine Chase, VP of Magic Esports said in a statement. "Given the unpredictability of COVID-19, we have made changes to how the highest levels of competitive Magic work to ensure that we can keep playing during the pandemic."

I'm surely going to miss going to MagicFests and other major tabletop Magic events, but I'm glad we're still able to play Magic from the comfort of our own homes with Magic: The Gathering Arena or Magic Online.

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