Alec Baldwin recently made headlines following the accidental shooting that took place on the set of Rust. The actor and his wife, Hilaria Baldwin have been trying their best to go back to their normal lives, but it must have not been easy. After all, they were criticized when they celebrated Halloween with their children, and they were also slammed for going on a date night after the accident.
Baldwin is no longer allowed to comment on the incident because investigations are still underway. However, the actor has still been making headlines but due to an entirely different reason.
Alec Baldwin Weighs 250 Pounds
National Enquirer, in its Nov. 29 issue, claimed that Baldwin tipped the scales at 250 pounds due to his constant pigging out. Even though his wife has been very supportive especially in recent weeks, Hilaria is, allegedly, hassled by her husband’s ginormous jelly belly.
“Hilaria understands the pressure he feels as the sheriff’s department carries on with the investigation. But she’s telling him to lay off the grease and the fattening foods not just because it’s dangerously unhealthy, but also because he’s looking like a serious slob,” an unnamed source claimed.
Baldwin has, allegedly, been consuming fatty and high-calorie foods, and his eating habits worsened after the accidental shooting on the set of Rust. Following the incident, the actor allegedly started to consume more fries, creamy pasta and sauces, and desserts.
Alec Baldwin Lashes Out At Hilaria Baldwin When She Controls His Food Intake
Hilaria sometimes asks Baldwin to control his food intake, but the actor allegedly gets upset and lashes out at his wife.
“The distraught 6-foot star is now eating everything in sight as he’s eaten up inside. It’s grossing Hilaria out. She wants him to nip it now – before he becomes obese,” the unnamed source concluded.
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Alec Baldwin Diagnosed With Pre-Diabetes
Last year, People revealed that Baldwin was pre-diabetic when he met his wife. In Hilaria’s book, The Living Clearly Method, she revealed that the actor’s cup was so full that his body could no longer metabolize the sugar that he taking in.
“After years of eating out, eating late, and eating too much, he’d fallen into some bad habits without realizing it. His sugar intake was far too high, not just due to sweet foods and white carbs, but to pasta, sauces with hidden sugars, and snacks. I quietly watched what he ate, only mentally jotting down my secret wish list of what I’d tell him if he asked,” Hilaria wrote.
After the doctor told Baldwin that he’s pre-diabetic, he decided to change his lifestyle. The actor stopped eating carbs, sauces, and fruits.
“This was a moment for drastically putting order where disorder had taken over; his body chemistry couldn’t rebalance until the aggravating foods and drinks were removed,” Hilaria said.
In 2016, Baldwin stepped out in public looking as dapper as ever. It was obvious that he lost a considerable amount of weight compared to 2011 when he was at his heaviest.
The actor’s recent sighting on the set of Rust proved that he indeed gained some weight, but he’s still not as chunky as he once was. And it’s not true that Hilaria is pressuring her husband to lose weight. After all, the yoga instructor has been nothing but supportive toward the actor.
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