Following the film’s announcement, the Sand Land anime based on Akira Toriyama’s manga revealed its main voice cast as well as its staff members. The reveal was made alongside the release of a new trailer that shows off more new footage.
While Sand Land may not be one of Toriyama’s best-known titles, the upcoming movie is shaping up to be a must-watch for fans of his works.
Aside from Toriyama’s signature art style and storytelling, the movie also has several big names in its cast.
Akira Toriyama’s Sand Land Manga and Anime Adaptation
It’s not hyperbolic to say that Akira Toriyama is one of the most well-known manga artists of all time. After all, Toriyama pretty much formed the modern battle shonen format with his iconic manga, Dragon Ball.
But even before Dragon Ball became the huge hit that it is worldwide, Toriyama was already a respected mangaka as he had plenty of notable one-shots under his belt -- not to mention a successful comedy serial in Dr. Slump.
Toriyama is also known for working on other properties like Enix’s Dragon Quest series. But unless you’re a huge Toriyama fan, you’ll likely be unfamiliar with Sand Land.
Sand Land is a 14-chapter manga by Toriyama that was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump in the year 2000.
Despite its short length, Sand Land has all the hallmarks of a Toriyama manga in terms of art style and story.
While it may not be as popular as Dragon Ball, Sand Land is finally getting some love as a 3DCG anime film adaptation is coming this August.
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Sand Land Anime Announces Cast and Staff
Starring as the main character Beelzebub is Mutsumi Tamura, a prolific voice actress who is best known for voicing Kobayashi in Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Tamura is also commonly cast as the young voice of male anime characters.
Joining Tamura is Kazuhiro Yamaji as Rao. Yamaji is best known for being the voice of Kenny Ackerman in Attack on Titan. Sand Land also stars One Piece’s Brook VA Cho as Thief.
Other VAs include Nobuo Tobita (Major in Hellsing) and Satoshi Tsuruoka (Caster in Fate/Zero).
Meanwhile, the film’s staff members include director Toshihisa Yokoshima (Cocolors), screenwriter Hayashi Mori (Cells at Work! Code Black), and music composer Yugo Kanno (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), among others.
The Sand Land movie will be released in Japanese cinemas on August 18, 2023. For now, there’s no word yet on a release date outside Japan.
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