AI Gives Harrison Ford A Chance To Play Young Han In Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story's Alden Ehrenreich might have charmed viewers with his version of the franchise's young Han Solo, but some Star Wars fans just can't help but wonder what the Star Wars spinoff would have been like if Harrison Ford would play the franchise's iconic smuggler.

Now, using Deep Fake technology, YouTube channel derpfakes gives everyone a look at what Ford might look like if he were to play a young Han in Lucasfilm's Solo spin-off. Digitally inserting the Star Wars' legend's likeness through AI, the channel gives fans a short video with impressive and uncanny results.

The video takes a few scenes from the film, however, it mostly focuses on the first meeting between Han and Donald Glover's version of Star Wars young Lando Calrissian.

Check out the video down here:

It might seem like magic to some, but netizens who've made a habit of scouring the internet know that this video is all thanks to AI "deep learning," a technique where an AI uses a range of images depicting an individual to create a library of expressions and poses and then graft these on to a figure on a video clip. "Deep Learning" has been used on the internet for quite some time now, mostly to create "deep fakes," pornographic videos of celebrities being grafted on to a porn star's body.

Now, using that technology for a nobler and geekier endeavor, derpfakes gives us an idea of what Solo might have looked like if Lucasfilm decided to simply use Ford's young likeness and graft it into the movie.

Slap on Ford's raunchy voice into the video, and honestly, we'd be all set.

What do you think of the video? Does the "deep fake" Harrison Ford Solo video look convincing enough?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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