One of the new characters that was introduced in the first two episodes of Ahsoka is Marrok, a mysterious Inquisitor and mercenary who was hired by Morgan Elsbeth to carry out some tasks on her behalf as they continue to search for Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Given the character's mysterious nature, some fans have been speculating that perhaps the identity behind the battle armor figure is an established character that we've met before.
One of the prevailing theories online at the moment is that the person behind Marrok might actually be Ezra Bridger, which is an idea that is both far-fetched and possible at the same time since we don't know what has actually happened to him since his disappearance.
However, some fans are also starting to consider the idea that the real identity might actually be someone who was introduced in a beloved video game.
Fans Believe Sam Witwer's The Forced Unleashed Character is Behind Marrok
As reported by SFF Gazette, fans are now speculating that Sam Witwer's The Force Unleashed character Galen Marek (aka Starkiller) might actually be the identity behind Marrok in Ahsoka.
The long-time Star Wars actor was credited in the first two episodes of the series as part of the "additional voices" team which prompted fans to theorize that it will be revealed later on that Witwer's character is Marrok.
Stunt double Paul Darnell is currently credited as the actor playing Marrok in the series.
While the Witwer connection could support the theory, it is also worth noting that the actor has been frequently involved in the franchise for years as he's been voicing various minor characters and it is possible that his involvement here is an extension of that.
We will never know for now whether the theory ends up being true, but it is an interesting one nevertheless as you can make a strong case if you look at the timeline and history and it won't be surprising at this point if we see Witwer's face when Marrok unmasks.
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There is also a likelihood that Marrok could just be a smaller character that is not as important as he seems to be and the identity is not someone that we've seen before. Either way, fans are getting invested in this mystery and it is now exciting to see how it will all unfold.
New episodes of Ahsoka premiere every Tuesday night on Disney+.