Ahsoka Episode 5 Will Reportedly Feature More Clone Wars Era

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

As teased by the final moments of the recent fourth episode of Ahsoka, the upcoming fifth episode of the series is looking to be its biggest one yet as it will explore the relationship of the titular character and her master Anakin Skywalker in the World Between Worlds.

Prior to the airing of the series, there have been various reports about what we could expect on the highly-anticipated fifth episode such as Anakin's role in the story and its multiverse-like exploration of alternate versions of past events.

The episode will also reportedly return to the prequel trilogy era as it was revealed in a report that the climactic fight in Mustafar during Revenge of the Sith will be recreated and there might be scenes that are set during the Clone Wars.

Nevertheless, a lot of fans are already excited about what we might see in the next episode as there is no doubt that it will be a major event based alone on the fact that it will also be getting a limited theatrical release.

Here's How Ahsoka Episode 5 Will Explore the Clone Wars According to Report

Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano
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Credit: Lucasfilm

Bespin Bulletin reports that the upcoming episode will revisit the Clone Wars era which of course doesn't sound farfetched at all, especially considering Anakin just made his triumphant return in the previous episode.

The report claims that Hayden Christensen shot scenes wearing Anakin's armor from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Additionally, the outlet says that the episode will explore Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship. This week, it was announced that Episode 5 will be shown in select cinemas and previous reports hyped it up as a "game-changing" episode.

Also Read: The Place Where New Timelines Begin: Star Wars' World Between Worlds Explained

Although fans have been introduced to the concept of the World Between Worlds a long time ago, it's still pretty much shrouded in mystery. Rumor has it that it will be the franchise's gateway to exploring the Multiverse so we'll have to wait and see how that works.

Ahsoka premieres new episodes every Tuesdays on Disney+.