Being a part of the Star Wars Universe is certainly a treat considering that you get to enjoy several perks like meeting fans and attending conventions. However, these were exactly the things that Ahmed Best was worried about when he had to go to Star Wars Celebration. After all, he played Jar Jar Binks, the character who caused some major backlash for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Best recently discussed his experience working on the prequel trilogy with and the actor somehow admitted that the Jar Jar backlash made him question a lot of things. For instance, Best was scared of attending Star Wars Celebration.
"To be very honest, I was very afraid to go to Celebration. Every time I'm in a Star Wars setting, I spend most of my time defending our work and defending Jar Jar. And I just don't want to do that anymore," he said. Luckily, it looks like his recent experiences at Star Wars Celebration have been mostly positive.
"I was very reluctant to come to Celebration because of that, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't the case at all. I just felt nothing but love and respect and admiration for the work we did. I couldn't have been more proud and I couldn't have been happier. I wish George was there because I think we're at a time right now where we have to stand in that work. We have to say, 'We did it,' and step into that in a very proud way, because it stands the test of time," Best said.
We're certainly glad that Best enjoyed his time at Star Wars Celebration and we're hoping that continues to happen for him in the future.
Related: Star Wars: George Lucas Says Jar Jar Backlash Was Similar To First C-3PO Reactions