One of the odder things in Avengers: Endgame that has left fans flabbergasted is the fact that Captain Marvel seemingly hasn't aged since the ‘90s. Captain America at least had an excuse in that his Super Soldier blood helped him survive the cold, hence his emergence in the present day. However, none of us know why Carol still looks the same way she did in the ‘90s but an actual physicist has provided an answer.
Speaking with, the reason Carol hasn't aged is due to her newfound powers, which allow her to move at the speed of light. Apparently, if you move faster in space more mass in the body is gained. Here is the full answer as to why Carol doesn't age and it's a bit of a doozy:
"Moving clocks run slow. The faster you move in space, the slower you move in time. It's a consequence of the connection between space-time ... if you go more in one direction, you go less in another direction."
"You feel totally normal. You eat breakfast, you go for a walk in your spaceship, you do your work, everything feels normal … you go out on your journey and you futz around the galaxy. When you come back, you find out that you and the clock on your wrist has only gone by a few days or a few weeks. Meanwhile, the clock back on Earth has gone by years, decades, centuries, millennia, depending on how fast you were going and how fast you've gone."
To be honest, this is probably the best answer we're going to get unless the MCU comes up with a different reason. Still, it's hard to argue with a physicist and it's the best answer we have right now.
Captain Marvel is now available in digital services. The Blu-Ray will be coming out on June 11.
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