Acclaimed Furry Anime Beastars is Coming to Netflix

If you liked Zootopia but wanted to see some of the seedier elements in that universe, then Beastars is the anime for you. Giving us an anime that explores a world where animals have gained sentience and have their own cities is pretty neat. The fact that it also uses sublime CG animation to give us a dark, yet colorful world, is also amazing, showing us once again that Japan really gets it done.

Fans around the world will be happy to know that Beastars will be coming to Netflix next month. Western fans curious about a high school anime where a wolf falls in love with a bunny he also wants to eat just have to wait until March 13 before they witness the weird beauty of this anime. The first season is done already, which is probably why it's coming to Netflix and fans can't wait to see the second one.

Netflix is also working with Studio IG, the people responsible for Beastars, on an original anime called Sol Levante. The details on that anime are still a mystery but we're sure it'll be fun and, at the least, fairly interesting. Will it also involve animals? We are gonna have to wait and see.

Beastars may have just finished its first season but the manga is actually reaching its end soon. Hopefully, future seasons match the first's quality and faithfully follow the manga, while also adding some neat, original stuff. The series comes to Netflix on March 13.

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