Last night, the first full trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released, much to the delight of millions of fans from all across the galaxy. In it, we get a look at Rey’s training under Luke Skywalker, some amazing space battles, and plenty of tantalizing teases regarding the fate of our favorite characters.
We have collected 55 images from the trailer, highlighting key pieces of the footage in sequential order to give you a closer look at what you can expect from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. See them below:
Interesting that we open with a shot of Kylo Ren
Those Gorilla Walkers are incredible!
Kylo and his troops arriving on Crait
Is he being reprimanded by Snoke?
Don't want to lose that
Beautiful parallels in the transition from Kylo and Rey
Picking up right where TFA leaves off
Notice the blaster mark from Return of the Jedi?
Reunited and it feels so good
Searching for the Force Tree?
What do you think is in these books?
Precariously perched practice sessions
Perfectly executed control
Rey's power at this stage in the game is genuinely amazing
Mark Hamill really sells this moment
Not a new shot, but still beautiful
Napping on the job
Have we ever seen this kind of range from Hamill?
Evokes memories of Terminator 2, no?
Another oldie-but-goodie
It's going to be nice to see Kylo Ren evolve as a character
Force band-aids -- much stronger than normal band-aids
Maybe he'll evolve beyond the point of tantrums
Stormtroopers might be terrible shots, but TIE Fighter pilots seem to know what they're doing
Kylo's TIE Interceptor is ultra sleek
If ever there was a time to wear that helmet, surely it's while flying
The cinematography is stunning
This definitely pulls on the heartstrings
This is just misdirection, right?
This isn't how she's going out, is it?
Not like this, Kylo
Our first shot of the Falcon
Didn't Chewbacca look so much better in the Original Trilogy?
Fine, you win, Lucasfilm... this is adorable...
Probably not the view he was hoping for
Something about Oscar Isaac's eyes...
Just look at them...
Think they'll address how she escaped the trash compactor?
This ought to be good
Here's hoping we get more Phasma this time around
The space battles definitely look incredible
Our first shot of BB-8
Is Luke talking to Rey, or the audience?
Is this symbolism for Leia's involvement in the Star Wars franchise?
What creature did that skull come from?
Harkening back to Luke's Dagobah vision?
Infiltrator or prisoner?
Well, the First Order definitely has the numbers
This looks like it could rival the Battle of Hoth
Good Lord, Snoke is terrifying
Well, that answers the question of whether or not Rey will come face to face with Snoke
I need someone to show me my place in all this
Anyone else?
Hmmm... guess not