2019 Magic: The Gathering Online Championship Trailer Released

Wizards of the Coast

Magic: The Gathering Online is not getting as much attention as Magic Arena these days but Magic Online Championship still exists, and Wizards of the Coast have released a new trailer to promote this weekend's event. The trailer highlights a handful of the tournament's competitors including Logan Nettles, Kenji Egashira, and Pascal Maynard. The trailer also reveals the event's commentary team that includes Marshall Sutcliffe, Eric Froehlich, William Jensen, Reid Duke, Paul Reitzl, and Maria Bartholdi.

Watch the trailer above.

Here's the schedule for this weekend's Magic Online Championships:

MOCS Finals Schedule: - Friday (10am Pacific start): War of the Spark Draft Rounds 1-3, Standard Rounds 4-7 -
Saturday May 18 (8am Pacific start): War of the Spark Draft Rounds 8-10, Modern Rounds 11-14 -
Sunday May 19 (10am Pacific start): Top 4, Best 2 of 3 matches using Standard and Modern

It's cool that they're mixing up the formats with Standard, Modern, and War of the Spark booster draft.

Tune in to twitch.tv/magic to watch the Magic Online Championships from May 17 to 19.

Are you excited to watch this event? Who are you rooting to win the entire tournament?

Watch our new Magic Arena video:

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