10-Karat Gold 20-sided Dice is The Ultimate Gift For Gamers

If you're searching for the perfect gift to give your tabletop RPG, then you might want to check out the 10-karat gold 20-sided dice that you can buy right now.

On Thursday, Gil Ramirez launched a Kickstarter to raise funds so he can lease a full-time shop space and get new equipment for his blacksmith business. Ramizez is planning to go full-time crafting special dice for gamers, so he's offering his standard hand-forged D20 as well as other more expensive choices.

The most expensive rewards Ramirez is offering is a 20-sided dice made out of 10-karat gold. Ramirez says that he's only making five gold dice available for supporters. The solid gold dice costs $8,000 so if you have that much to spare, you can get this for your collection or your RPG friend's

Fans will recognize Gil as a cast member of Critical Role. He's known for replacing the "1" of a D20 with a cursed stamped word.

Other more affordable backer rewards include a hand-forced steel dice ($80) or a complete set of seven hand-forged steel dice ($260). At this point, Ramirez has already sold out of silver, copper, and wrought iron dice. The Kickstarter will also make brass, titanium, and Damascus steel available if the campaign reaches its stretch goals.

At the time of this writing, the Kickstarter already raised $42,758, well above its $40,000 goal with 28 days left. The Kickstarter will end on December 22, and delivery for backer rewards is expected to arrive in 2019.


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